Monthly Archives: November 2014

On Thanksgiving, What I like and dont like about Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkey 10














I must confess that I’ve been waiting about a month to write this post. As soon as I had the Thanksgiving holiday on my radar I admit I started thinking about turkey.  After all, with all due respect and apologies to the vegetarians out there, what is there not to like about turkey?

Well, with the world in upheavel and evil growing exponentially, it seems even the fun holiday of Thanksgiving is somewhat tainted for me this year.  Again I ask the question, what is there not to like about turkey?   Well as it relates to the country, not the bird, there actually are a number of things not to like about Turkey.  Unfortunately it has become impossible for me to answer that question without the image of Prime Minister Erdogan (pronounced Er-doh-wan)abee Hitler popping up in my head. There’s the alignment with Qatar, the fact that ISIS recruits flow through the country, the harassment of American servicemen, and of course the immense hatred the government has for Israel.  Put all this together and I don’t like Turkey, the country, much at all.

But I do enjoy turkey the bird, and I am off to have some with people I love. Hope all of you are doing the same.

Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

Open Letter of Gratitude to Benjamin Watson











Dear Mr. Watson,

Although I do not share all of your religious beliefs, I found your comments on the events in Ferguson, Missouri and subsequent Grand Jury verdict to be so beautiful, eloquent and constructive, I was compelled to write this letter to you.  Please don’t stop here. The country needs more people like you.  People who are looking for solutions, not scapegoats.  People who are looking for kindness, not hatred. People who are looking to unite, not divide. I wish to sincerely thank you, and out of the respect I have for you and what you have written I will make this very brief and just post your great words for others to read.

Thank you Mr. Benjamin Watson.

David Groen



At some point while I was playing or preparing to play Monday Night Football, the news broke about the Ferguson Decision. After trying to figure out how I felt, I decided to write it down. Here are my thoughts:

I’M ANGRY because the stories of injustice that have been passed down for generations seem to be continuing before our very eyes.

I’M FRUSTRATED, because pop culture, music and movies glorify these types of police citizen altercations and promote an invincible attitude that continues to get young men killed in real life, away from safety movie sets and music studios.

I’M FEARFUL because in the back of my mind I know that although I’m a law abiding citizen I could still be looked upon as a “threat” to those who don’t know me. So I will continue to have to go the extra mile to earn the benefit of the doubt.

I’M EMBARRASSED because the looting, violent protests, and law breaking only confirm, and in the minds of many, validate, the stereotypes and thus the inferior treatment.

I’M SAD, because another young life was lost from his family, the racial divide has widened, a community is in shambles, accusations, insensitivity hurt and hatred are boiling over, and we may never know the truth about what happened that day.

I’M SYMPATHETIC, because I wasn’t there so I don’t know exactly what happened. Maybe Darren Wilson acted within his rights and duty as an officer of the law and killed Michael Brown in self defense like any of us would in the circumstance. Now he has to fear the backlash against himself and his loved ones when he was only doing his job. What a horrible thing to endure. OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point.

I’M OFFENDED, because of the insulting comments I’ve seen that are not only insensitive but dismissive to the painful experiences of others.

I’M CONFUSED, because I don’t know why it’s so hard to obey a policeman. You will not win!!! And I don’t know why some policeman abuse their power. Power is a responsibility, not a weapon to brandish and lord over the populace.

I’M INTROSPECTIVE, because sometimes I want to take “our” side without looking at the facts in situations like these. Sometimes I feel like it’s us against them. Sometimes I’m just as prejudiced as people I point fingers at. And that’s not right. How can I look at white skin and make assumptions but not want assumptions made about me? That’s not right.

I’M HOPELESS, because I’ve lived long enough to expect things like this to continue to happen. I’m not surprised and at some point my little children are going to inherit the weight of being a minority and all that it entails.

I’M HOPEFUL, because I know that while we still have race issues in America, we enjoy a much different normal than those of our parents and grandparents. I see it in my personal relationships with teammates, friends and mentors. And it’s a beautiful thing.

I’M ENCOURAGED, because ultimately the problem is not a SKIN problem, it is a SIN problem. SIN is the reason we rebel against authority. SIN is the reason we abuse our authority. SIN is the reason we are racist, prejudiced and lie to cover for our own. SIN is the reason we riot, loot and burn. BUT I’M ENCOURAGED because God has provided a solution for sin through the his son Jesus and with it, a transformed heart and mind. One that’s capable of looking past the outward and seeing what’s truly important in every human being. The cure for the Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice and Eric Garner tragedies is not education or exposure. It’s the Gospel. So, finally, I’M ENCOURAGED because the Gospel gives mankind hope.





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Open Letter to Reggie Bush









Dear Reggie,

I’m not even sure how to start this letter. Congratulations.  You’ve now entered the world of Roger Waters, Bryan Adams and George Clooney.  You are a high-profile celebrity I will no longer support in any way, shape or form. You’ve never had the ability or skill to stay healthy long enough to perform consistently as a professional, but you somehow had the intestinal fortitude to dig down deep and facilitate a comparison so dumb that you managed to insult the police, the Jews and the black people of Ferguson all in one shot. If only you were this good at football.

I do not like the fact that an unarmed man got shot. I recognize the tragedy of the situation and although I believe the grey areas in this case may very well have given credence to the Grand Jury’s verdict, this is indicative of some very serious problems that still exist in this country.  There are problems of race relations that can not be ignored as well as problems in the training of police officers that must be addressed.  If I am to be as objective as possible I may very well say that it is wrong that Michael Brown is dead and right that Darren Wilson was not indicted.  That’s a difficult statement to make, especially since it can bring on the wrath of both sides, but I am no coward and if, as I learn more facts I feel that way, I will be willing to make that difficult statement.  I don’t make simple divisive statements like: The Palestinian people know what mean to be shot while unarmed because of your ethnicity. #ferguson #justice.” 

Seriously Reggie? Do you realize how incredibly stupid that comment is? Apparently not because you posted a picture of a man holding that sign on your Instagram and followed with your own statement that read, “No matter who you are, what color skin you have, where you live, we are all in this together! This isn’t a Ferguson problem it’s a Global Problem! We need change NOW! What happened to humanity? #JusticeForMikeBrown.”

Well Reggie, you ask a good question.  What happened to humanity? These Palestinians you seem to feel comfortable comparing to the black people of Ferguson have thousands upon thousands of people looking to die in the process of murdering as many Jews and Americans as possible. Two Palestinians stormed a synagogue in Jerusalem last week and brutally murdered 4 Rabbis.  Palestinians have in their ranks people who blow themselves up with the hope, yes the hope of killing dozens of people.  They have people who drive into bus stops and murder a 4 month old baby girl. Let’s not forget how they celebrate in the streets after these murders.  Palestinian demonstrators throw rocks and Molotov Cocktails in the hope that they will injure or kill as many people as possible.  And of course let us not forget the additional Palestinian celebrations in the street after 3,000 Americans got murdered on 9/11.  Putting aside for one second how offensive your approach is to me as a Jewish man, if I was a black man in Ferguson who had knowledge of current affairs, I think I would be even more offended.  To even hint that there is a similarity between the people of Ferguson and the Palestinians may be the worst part of the message you are sending.

As a Jew I can not say I am surprised.  After all, it seems to be fashionable to criticize Israel and the Jewish people even when done by those who are clearly ignorant to the facts.  Abraham Lincoln once said,  “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”  Thank you Reggie for removing all doubt.

Incidentally,  I was such a fan I once had your picture as my icon during an entire Fantasy Football season.  All I can say now is that I am happy I didn’t trade for you this year when it was proposed to me.  Of course I didn’t because you are hardly on the field anyway.  I guess that is why you found the time to use social media to show the world your ignorance.

If you had merely made the comment you made I am certain no one would have had an issue with its intent.  Being someone who sees all Americans as being equal regardless of color or race, something everyone who knows me would corroborate, I might even have liked you more for the comment. After all, there is nothing wrong with expecting better of humanity.  But by showing the picture with that comment you went from portraying yourself as a man who cares to just another idiot with no clue.


David Groen





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The True Face of Iran’s Islamic Revolution






This is a fascinating and terrifying video that must be watched. We are seeing evil rise in a way we have not seen since Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Germany.  As I wrote once in a previous post, they are using the age-old formula.  They are rallying the people around hate and telling them who is to blame for their anger.  We are not perfect in the western world, and Israel does not do everything right, but find me a group of thousands in any western democracy, shouting death to entire countries.   You won’t.  This is a quest for power and control that is meant to conquer, kill and destroy.  It is not about religion or God.  It is using religion and God as a means to control the masses to give those in power dominion over as many people as possible.  The masses have been blinded to how illogical their methods are, and unless stopped will help their rulers see this through to the destructive outcome.


Courtesy of the Israel Project





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Open Letter to Joe Stork, Human Rights Watch Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director

shamseddin20110329161441810Dear Mr. Stork,

There is this disturbing trend I’ve wanted to address for some time now, and with your recent comments I am able to do so with what may very well be a relevant and glaring example of the problem.  I call it the Chicken Critic Effect.  It’s when people have a loud voice of criticism against one combatant because taking a stand against the other more heinous combatant they perceive as being just too dangerous.  The fact that your voice is what I hear coming out of HRW (Human Rights Watch) this week epitomizes this problem.  You made the following statement: “Punitive home demolitions are blatantly unlawful. Israel should prosecute, convict, and punish criminals, not carry out vengeful destruction that harms entire families.”

I don’t know what religion you are, and frankly I don’t care.  I respect anyone who practices any religion as long as hate is not part of their religious structure.  You may or may not either regularly or on occasion attend a religious service, but most adults have spent enough time in some place of worship to know what that environment is supposed to feel like.  Whether the leader or congregants of the service are sincere or not, the atmosphere is at the very least more often than not portrayed as one of worship, love, and maybe most importantly peace.  Now imagine 2 insanely hateful individuals storming that service with butcher knives and guns and attacking anyone they find.  Would you not expect, even demand an organization created to protect human rights to address this attack with a louder voice than they do its response?  That’s assuming all you had to do was see this attack and weren’t actually one of the victims.

Here is why I believe HRW is doing what so many others seem to do on a regular basis.  It comes down to fear.  I don’t  criticize fear.  Fear is not only understandable, very often it’s an appropriate and wise emotion.  However, what I believe causes people such as yourself to be heard when attacking Israel for its response to this horrific terrorist attack, but being nowhere to be seen or heard after the attack itself, is the fear of those with the similar mentality of the attackers.  I understand the fear.  These are brutal, scary people.  But to go after one side because it’s safer than going after the perpetrators of barbarism is irresponsible hypocrisy.  It makes you a Chicken Critic.

I think this mentality, assuming it is not based in pure anti-Semitism which is also possible, is the epitome of cowardice.  It’s one thing to stay quiet because you’re scared of the bad guy.  It’s an entirely different thing to attack their victim.  I see it all the time. It is easy to go after Israel and the Jews.  Let’s face it, and I say this with pride, we live in a world where you can piss off 10 million Jews and not put your life in danger, but if you say anything against Muslim extremism you become a target.  So people like yourself feel they will take it one step further and say something aligning with those who are far more dangerous giving themselves an illusion of safety.

I see this Chicken Critic Effect on a small-scale on social media when people go after the easy target and stay clear of the difficult one, but for the most part the people who do this are harmless and often even good people who were just rubbed the wrong way by a comment or post.  Your comments however are irresponsible.  They strengthen the terrorist mindset by criticizing the response. It’s an ugly thing that Israel had to do in response, but given a choice between doing the one thing that might help and doing either nothing or a ceremonious and useless action, the choice that might help is the only true option.  And if you were genuine you would recognize that Israel was forced into this position.  But I am guessing you are either too scared or hate Israel too much to approach this situation honestly.

Apparently  you have a rich history of supporting evil, having reportedly written an article praising the Munich massacre and attending an anti-Zionist conference hosted by Saddam Husseim.  So maybe I am giving you too much credit when I call you a Chicken Critic.  With that said you may be just one more bad man in a world giving too much credibility to the bad people.  Either way it’s another example of civilization being destroyed by self-serving short-sighted individuals and groups.  This is something that will make us all suffer, and when we do, you Mr. Stork will be one of the culprits responsible for our suffering.  Pretty ironic for someone who claims to care about human rights.


David Groen





Follow Holland’s Heroes on Twitter @hollandsheroes



Global Coalition for Israel hits 3,000










Global Coalition for Israel (GCI) has reached 3,000 members. Although it is great that we are on here debating and discussing, I am hopeful we can somehow find a way to work together to actually make a difference. That starts in my opinion, with 2 things. Focus and commitment. Although I respect and do my best to address any complaints I receive about other members comments or posts, I believe our true focus needs to be on combating those that want to truly destroy Israel and working together with those who want to protect it. Commitment is a little harder than focus because we all have our lives and priorities, but if we have time to find the fault with what others, maybe we can find the time to come up with ways to make some impact in support of Israel. I will do my part and try to come up with concrete ideas and programs and hope that there are those of you out there with the time to work together with me and anyone else to do some good.

This group was formed soon after the brutal murders of Naftali, Gilad and Eyal, and done so in hope that we would mobilize the good to combat the bad. The bad not being the person who says something off-color in a post or has religious beliefs contrary to your own, the bad being the individual, organization or country that puts no value on Jewish blood and wants Israel and all free democracies destroyed. There are enough of those out there to keep us busy, and I hope our focus stays on them and on how to strengthen ourselves. There are people on here who hold views I do not share and in some cases strongly oppose, but as long as they hold Jewish life as sacred, wish to defend all good people of the world and wish to see Israel survive and grow, I welcome them as my friend. It starts with solidarity and with a group of 3,000 plus, solidarity can lead to something great. Let’s do it people.   So many of us use the term NEVER AGAIN, it is time for us to realize that NEVER AGAIN IS HERE.





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Sadly, it’s about Killing Jews

ShowImageThis isn’t the face of a military man.  This isn’t the face of an oppressor. This isn’t the face of a politician. This is the face of a Rabbi. The face of a Jew. And tragically today, a murdered Jew. I did not know Rabbi Moshe Twersky, but since I know that everyone is flawed, I am fairly certain he was as well.  Despite whatever flaws he may have had, if the enemy was truly only fighting what they consider to be oppression and occupation, this would not be the face of their enemy. What this is, is the face of a Jew.

Whenever something horrific takes place along the lines of today’s terror attack in Jerusalem, I try to find a different angle.  Every normal human being is saddened, angered and horrified by what took place.  To write about those feelings would certainly be appropriate, but it has been and will be done by so many others, and rightly so, that for me to write something today I needed to feel something more specific, more personal.  That happened as soon as I saw the picture of Rabbi Twersky.

In 1940 when the Nazis invaded Holland, my mother had what would be considered the face of a Jew.  I partially based the title of the book I wrote about what my parents experienced during the occupation on the fact that the Germans identified what they saw as a Jew and murdered them.

It’s very simple albeit tragic and frightening. This is not about an occupation, oppression, naval blockades, land grabs or the building of settlements.  This is about the hatred of Jews.  This is reminiscent of the hatred and murderous ways of Hitler’s Nazis.  The term “two state solution” is just another way of saying “final solution”.  In Amsterdam in 1940 the typical face of a Jew was my mother, with her dark hair and dark complexion.  In 2014 Jerusalem, Rabbi Moshe Twersky is not the face of a soldier, an oppressor or a politician.  He is the face of a Jew.  The enemy’s purpose, their goal is not to live peacefully together with Jews.  Their purpose and goal is to not only rid Israel of Jews, but to rid the entire world of Jews.  In that way they are exactly like the Nazis.

Don’t tell me this is about occupation, oppression or land grabs and then storm a place of worship and brutally murder 4 Rabbis.  Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky, 43, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 68, and Rabbi Calman Levine, 55, and the man in the picture Rabbi Moshe Twersky, 59.  Take a look at the face of this man and recognize the truth.  This is not about helping innocent Palestinians or living in peace.  This is about killing Jews, and Never Again is here.





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My Plea for Unity

Jewish-unityWhen I got into this activism mode a few months back, I did so to fight the enemies of the Jewish people. As I feel more and more like the debate is turning into Jew against Jew it becomes increasingly exhausting for me.  I am by no means afraid to confront ANYONE, but I reserve the right to show more tolerance for Jews than I do for others sharing opinions I feel incorrect or even damaging to the Jewish people. We speak of 6 million dying at the hands of the Nazis. What would happen if we found out that 1.5 millions were so liberal and overly tolerant that they wanted to try to negotiate with Hitler. We know they’re wrong, but do we alter our discussion? Do we only truly mourn 4.5 million slaughtered Jews once we know this? As I love to do I quote these wonderful words by my father Rabbi Nardus Groen of Blessed Memory:

“We may in the course of it meet people who, for whatever it’s worth, may be portrayed as heroes, while others are cowards, pacifists, or activists.They are all the products of mankind. For them, there will always be a place under the sun (with the exception of the traitor). But being as we are a homogenous society, no one can ever be left out. And as it is by the very
inclination of the human race, the dark shadow of the wicked will play an overpowering role in leaving behind the marks in the way of scars brought upon them by society.

If the worst could ever be turned into good, the only lesson to be learned of that is, never ever forget. For in the past lay the present, and in the present the future. Without that, we will be repeating our mistakes and shortcomings, and as a result the world will not be the place it was created to be.

In order to live, you still have to be able to somehow believe in the goodness of mankind.”


Whenever we pray to God for forgiveness we hope our worst actions will be understood as being a result of weakness or stupidity.  We turn to God and hope he will accept the failings that coincide with our humanity.  I am not saying we tolerate someone who puts us in clear and present danger, I am merely saying we allow the same courtesy to decent albeit misguided or weak people that we ourselves beg from God.

And as my father, a man who lived a good life till the age of 87, a man who worked against the Nazis in the Dutch resistance, saved the lives of innocent people, fought in the Dutch Marines and then served the Jewish community as a Rabbi for decades and was anything but naive once said, “In order to live, you still have to be able to somehow believe in the goodness of mankind.”

I’m all for standing up for one’s principles, but my first priority is to fight against those that want to do harm to the innocent and harm my people.  I am not here to fight Jews.  There are enough people who want to do that.  I refuse to be one of them.





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Open Letter to my fellow Jews

me2Dear Brothers and Sisters,

What’s this I am hearing? Many of you support a deal Iran? A large percentage of you like Obama better than Netanyahu? This whole line of thinking creates all kinds of issues.  Not just regarding those of you who do think this way, but regarding the way other Jews address you.  It’s really quite complicated and to be very honest, more than a little disturbing.

For the record, I am absolutely opposed to any type of agreement with Iran.  Their open desire to murder Jews is the most open one from a country of any significance since Nazi Germany came into power in 1933.  I am also someone who prefers Netanyahu to Obama.  I believe Netanyahu cares about the well-being of Israel and the Jewish people while unfortunately I am far from certain Obama has anything close to the same concerns.  I’ll elaborate more on this later on in the letter, but first I want to address what I consider to be an even greater concern of mine.

The second Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was mainly destroyed because of one thing.  Sinat Chinam, which means baseless hatred, referred to the hatred of Jew towards one another. I fear that we as Jews are dangerously close to reaching that same level today.  Caught in the ongoing schism between Conservatives and Liberals in American politics, Jews find themselves at odds against each other in some very important issues. Issues that impact our very survival.

I personally feel very strongly that these statistics I am reading about reflect a misguided and dangerous shift in Jewish public opinion, but I also feel that it is just as dangerous to attack every Jew who feels differently than I do as being a self-hating Jew or traitor.  There are certain people with influence and a following who have anti-Israel sentiment, some of which openly feel a disconnect to the Judaism they were born into who may be considered borderline if not complete traitors, but to put this title on all who hold contrary views is unfair and dangerous.

Let me reiterate.  I believe any compromise, recognition, or negotiation with the Islamic Republic of Iran is dangerous, naive and ultimately suicidal.  I’ll shout at the top of my voice to anyone who will listen to get them to see how misguided it is to consider it a viable option to deal with this dishonest government of murderers and liars that want to destroy the State of Israel and ultimately rid the planet of Jews, before and or while they attempt to destroy the United States of America.  Simply put, Iran is evil and there is no negotiating with evil.  I  will also reiterate that I believe in Benjamin Netanyahu and feel his priority is to protect Jews in Israel and around the globe.  I believe Jews in the diaspora must support the Israeli government.  I believe the Obama administration’s policies and rhetoric is increasingly antagonistic and damaging to Israel and subsequently can’t relate to the thought process that causes one of my fellow Jews to prefer Obama over Netanyahu.  But just as I believe comparing Obama to Hitler is irresponsible and harmful, so too I believe calling someone a self-hating Jew or traitor because of these opinions is damaging and divisive.  I don’t think my fellow Jews who feel this way are bad, I just think they drank the Kool-Aid, and I take it upon myself as being one of I hope many people who will help them to see the truth.

To those reading this who feel anger and even hatred towards their fellow Jew for what I know to be misguided viewpoints, I ask the following question.  Are they really the enemy?  I think not.  I propose that you see them as brothers and sisters as I did when I addressed this letter.  Protect them, don’t exile them.

To those of you I am calling the misguided I will not apologize for what you may see as an arrogance in my approach.  I believe you are supporting causes and ideas that would lead to your death as well as mine.   However, I also don’t believe that is your intention.  I believe you want what I want, a safe and happy future for the Jewish people and all the good people of the world.  I just believe you are wrong and that I would be just as wrong if I didn’t let you know how I feel.   However, I also feel I would be equally wrong to hate you for it, when what the Jewish people need now more than ever is love and unity.

I wish all of you all the best.


David Groen





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In Defense of Nicki Minaj

"The Other Woman" - Los Angeles Premiere - ArrivalsAs everyone knows, I have no problem going after anti-Semites.  I am also not an apologist.  Bryan Adams sang my favorite song of all time and I went after him. George Clooney has been an actor whose work I’ve enjoyed and I’ve gone after him twice for showing no signs he disagrees with his anti-Zionist/Anti-Semitic wife.  I used to think Penelope Cruz was beautiful and now I can’t even look at her.  If I am convinced someone is against the Jewish people, I want no part of them and I am not shy about saying so.  That is why it may come of some surprise to those reading this that I am choosing to defend Nicki Minaj.

There are two reasons I’m defending her.  First of all, personally, I just didn’t see it when I watched the video, which I did from start to finish.  I am the son of Holocaust survivors.  I wrote a book about what my parents went through during the Nazi occupation of Holland.  I am proudly sensitive to anti-Jewish and anti-Israel sentiment.  I personally did not see the connection to Nazi symbolism in the video other than to the extent I was looking for it due to the reactions it garnered.  That doesn’t mean I think it’s a good video nor do I think the feelings of those it offended should be ignored, especially since many of those it offended are people just like me, proud Jews.  All it means is that in the name of honesty I can’t sit here and pretend to be offended by something that personally did not offend me. Incidentally, this is why I remained silent on the subject yesterday.  That and one other very important reason.  I wanted to see how Nicki Minaj would react to the criticism.  Which brings me to the second reason I am defending her.

Yesterday I wrote an Open Letter to Peter Gabriel.  In this letter I made the following point in regard to what motivates me to write these Open Letters.

“My philosophy, when it comes to writing one of these letters, and you can look it up and verify it if you wish, is that I write them primarily based on the words one utters.  In some instances I will address someone’s silence, but that is only when that silence indeed speaks volumes.  When someone expresses an opinion to me that someone is on what I consider to be the wrong side of the fence, I look for evidence to back it up.  Nothing provides better evidence than the words one speaks.”

Minaj made the following comments on Twitter regarding the controversy caused by the video.

“I didn’t come up w/the concept, but I’m very sorry & take full responsibility if it has offended anyone.  Both the producer, & person in charge of over seeing the lyric video (one of my best friends & videographer: A. Loucas), happen to be Jewish.  I’d never condone Nazism in my art.”

Although after watching the video I might disagree with Nicki Minaj on what is called art, she makes it very clear in her words that offending Jews and glorifying Nazism was not the desired effect of the video.  I for one believe her.

Many months ago in one of my posts I made the statement that there are enough outspoken and proud anti-Semites that we really don’t need to be spending our time going after someone who openly says they are not anti-Semitic.  In my opinion this is a prime example of what I was eluding to when I made that point.

One last thing.  I never have and never will be one of those people who believe it is a problem if you offend everyone else except for the Jewish people.  With that in mind, despite my defense of Minaj and the fact that I personally was not offended, if she does want to show that “full responsibility” she was referring to and achieve what I think should be seen as a slam dunk in the Jewish community, pull the video.  Show the respect evident in your words, acknowledge the sensibilities of the Jewish community and make a statement of great significance, for it offended enough people to be a problem.  Pull the video and leave little doubt as to your true intentions.





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