Tag Archives: Hamas

When looking at the Crisis on College campuses, we need to be honest about how we got here

I am not going to lie. I hate every last one of the pro Hamas protestors on every American campus. But unless we identify those responsible for getting us here, it will be over for Jews in the United States, and after that happens the United States as we know it may ultimately be well on its way to a collapse.

I first started identifying a disturbing trend after 9/11. There were those on the right that blamed what they called failed policies by Bill Clinton. There were those on the left that attacked then president George W. Bush for not publicly showing alarm in front of kindergarteners when he first heard of the attack. Those that did that seemed too afraid or too political to go after those responsible for the attack, namely Al Qaeda and their leader Osama Bin-Laden. Why? Maybe because it felt safer to them to react in the manner. Do I hold young adults protesting on behalf of murdering terrorists accountable for their actions? Of course I do. But that can not let any one of us stay silent about those that either planted the seeds or fertilized the ground. We need to speak openly and honestly about how we got here.

First and foremost, let me be perfectly clear. Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. You do not have to like Israel’s current government, a large percentage of Israelis do not. But Israel is a strong and functioning democracy that can work it out for itself, and standing against it in what may be the most perilous time in the history of the Jewish state is ultimately calling for the death of Jews.

If you are a proud Jew and Zionist such as myself, one who makes every attempt to learn from history, holding back on speaking the truth should no longer be an option. The seeds of this cancer have been planted by Qatar, the most devious country on the planet. With its annual influx of billions of dollars to College administrations, this country, one that is playing everyone, has in essence bought the narrative of America’s future.

Then there’s the 10’s of billions of dollars of frozen assets released to Iran during the Obama administration, culminating with a massive airlift of cash in his last days in office, in essence supplying the money needed to fund Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and of course Hamas which ultimately led to previous wars, October 7th, and the current war in Gaza. This is not a truth many people want to admit to, but a truth nonetheless.

But let’s not forget the era in which we live. An era of Instagram posts and Tik-Tok reels in which Chuck Schumer, the highest ranking Jewish politician in U.S. history, calls for elections to replace Israel’s Prime Minister in the middle of a war. Students see and hear this. When Jonathan Glazer, a Jew himself makes an acceptance speech at the Oscars for Best International Feature Film and states that his Jewishness and the Holocaust are “being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people”, young college students see this clip. It is widely believed that when you follow the money, much of what does not lead back to Iran and Qatar leads back to George Soros, a Jew himself and one who escaped the Holocaust. Bernie Sanders, notoriously anti-Israel to the point of providing false statistics during previous conflicts, can only be described as a traitor, who, as one of my brothers so eloquently put, should rot in hell. Even if you want to say that many of those among my fellow Jews mean well and have even done a lot for Israel and the Jewish people before now, what they are doing today is fueling the burning and growing fire of Jewish hatred in America and worldwide. To put it more bluntly and to clarify how devastating this is, giving life and power to these protestors is likely killing any hostage still alive, because as Hamas sees the societal disaster taking place in America, they have increased incentive to keep the war going. Why would they accept Israel’s terms when thanks to the voices against Israel and the agitators protesting on campus, some of which are actually students, Hamas is in effect, winning the war.

There are the Jew hating celebrities like Roger Watters, Susan Sarandon and Jon Cusack, who repeatedly accuse Israel of committing Genocide and will insist that some of their best friends are Jewish. They are all cowards and fools, as displayed by Cusack who banned me from his X account after I accused him of being on the wrong side of history. https://x.com/HollandsHeroes/status/1785158544645378104 . They are cowards because it is truly my belief that deep in their hearts they see a world with growing Muslin extremism and they feel safer going after 8 million Jews. It is hard to argue with their logic if you only look at the numbers, but it brings their cowardice into focus.

Let’s not forget the squad and the loud and proud Jew hating voices led by Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Jamaal Bowman, whose growing power have forced President Joe Biden into hiding during the crisis on colleges campuses.

The heroic voices of people such as Douglas Murray, Bill Maher and John Fetterman need to grow. Proud Jewish celebrities like Robert Kraft and Jon Lovitz need to be identified and supported for their position in favor of their people.

I recognize that America and the current administration has supported Israel since October 7th, and for that I am grateful, but if the people in power spend more time worrying about keeping their jobs than doing their jobs, this will only get worse, and history is flush with stories of empires that collapsed after they persecuted and either killed or expelled the Jews. Past is prologue, and those who do not learn from it are in essence digging their own graves. This is not meant only for Jews, but non-Jewish Americans as well. When protestors on campus are calling for Intifada, if you believe it is only directed towards Israel, you are a fool.

When I started watching the news last night, it was so disturbing that I wanted to turn off the TV. However, what happens if I and all of you choose to bury our heads in the sand will make what it happening now look like a picnic, so I kept watching. Silence is not as option. Never Again is Now.

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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The pride and joy of being Jewish during trying times

In the weeks and months following the October 7th terrorist attack, Jewish people worldwide have felt greater pain, fear, and sadness than in any time since the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.  The suffering endured by our brethren in Israel is undoubtedly far greater than what we in the diaspora have endured, but the anguish is there, nonetheless.  With all of this all being true, I’m left asking myself this one very poignant question.  Why is it that I am happier and prouder to be a Jew today than in any other time in my life?

Part of it has to do with the fact that everything unfolding before us seems to validate my belief system.  As someone who believes in the legitimacy of the Torah, I never thought I would feel as though I was living through the story of Purim.  Purim tells of a time when a leader of Persia put forth a plan to wipe out the Jewish people, only to be defeated and destroyed.  Here we are today, seeing Israel pushing forward and closing in on its destruction of Hamas, the terrorist group that brutally attacked Israel on October 7th.  Hamas, an arm of Iran, the country which in ancient times we knew as Persia, and a country who sees it as their sacred mission is to destroy Israel, is perhaps setting itself up for a repeat of the Purim story.

A second part of why I feel as I do is the upcoming holiday of Passover.  Passover, a holiday telling of Israel’s redemption from slavery in Egypt through a slew of miracles, seems more realistic today than ever before.  There are those who will look at the Torah and say it is filled with stories based in fantasy, and yet here we are, as a Jewish people, facing hardships unlike any other people on the planet, and to be frank, in need of miracles.  For me, the story of Passover helps me to believe in those miracles and it gives me hope. It does, for lack of a better way of saying it, show us that God has been and always will be on our side.  Perhaps that explains why no other people in the world have had to endure more hatred than the Jewish people.  A people that comprises a mere .02% of the world’s population, a little under 16 million of the planet’s 7.88 billion people causes what many see as an unexplainable obsession.  Perhaps it is because as the Chosen People, we are the light of the world.  Those who align with us share in that light, and those who do not, hate us for being that light. It’s a burdensome life indeed, but one of which being part of makes me very proud and eternally grateful.

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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Open Letter to Senator Chuck Schumer regarding his recent comments on Israel and Netanyahu

Dear Senator Schumer,

It pains me that I even have to write this letter to you. It would have been my hope that the highest ranking Jewish politician in American history would be someone I could see as loyal to Israel and the Jewish people. However, in light of your recent comments it is apparent that your priorities and motivations must come into question.

I am not someone who believes that you do not have a right to disagree with the position of the Israeli government. You do not have to like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. What you do need to do though, is understand the power of your platform and the consequences of your words. For you to state at this point in time that Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way and that Israel needs new elections makes you seem like a traitor to your Jewish people. It is not about the merits of the argument itself. Maybe Israel will need new leadership, and a 2 state solution with real partners in peace is something that certainly can be discussed, but to do this now is irresponsible and dangerous to Jews all over the globe and extremely empowering to Hamas and all parties wishing to obliterate Israel and kill Jews worldwide. Furthermore, if your response is that you are a U.S. Senator, not an Israeli Member of Knesset, if you do not realize that your comments put America in danger as well, maybe it is time New York held elections and elected new leadership in the Senate.

I would like to believe your motives are pure and that you made your comments because you believe it is the most swift and secure path to peace, but it certainly appears to many as though your comments show you to be a Jew 3rd, an American 2nd, and a politician first. I would feel otherwise Senator Schumer, but the one thing I am not accusing you of is being stupid. When looking at the old and famous Arab proverb, ” the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, and seeing how your comments subsequently make you seem like a friend to the likes of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, I must ask you this question. Are you trying to curry favor with the certain elements within your state and within the country? Do you feel as though ingratiating yourself to those who want to see every Jew killed will help you in the future? If so, I have just one thing to say to you. Kapos were killed by the Nazis as well.

I am not litigating why your comments at this point in time were as harmful as they were, because as I mentioned, I am not calling you stupid, Even though I would almost prefer to do so. I am calling you at best misguided, at worst a traitor. Not so much for your opinions, but for the timing of saying it to the world. You have a responsibility, like it or not, not just to the Democrat Party, but to the American people and your fellow Jews. In standing in opposition to the Israeli government while it is fighting for the survival of the State of Israel, Jews worldwide and in many ways freedom in the western world, you have shirked your responsibilities, and I, as a proud Jew and American will not be silent. It is my genuine belief that you do not speak for most Jews and very likely not for most Americans.


David Groen

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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Open Letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom regarding the Antisemitic rhetoric at Oakland City Council session

Dear Governor Newsom,

While I know that you are currently very busy “NOT running for President”, and that I am neither a resident of California nor someone who can likely do anything to help you in your future endeavors, I feel there is an urgent matter that requires your immediate and unequivocal attention and as a result I will not remain silent.

Even though it is my understanding that you have no actual authority over the Oakland City Council, as Chief Executive of the most populated state in the country, your response to what took place at the reason session is of critical importance. In response to the City Council voting on a resolution calling for cease fire in Gaza and not condemning Hamas, your response was very clear.

Referencing the vote you said, “Hamas is a terrorist organization. They must be called out for what they are: evil”.

While I appreciate the moral clarity your statement represents, in light of what took place and statements made during the session, your response was weak and insufficient, and I will explain why I believe that to be the case. For you to make your statement of how you condemn Hamas while failing to call out those who made the comments, comes across as though you are attempting to pander to both sides.

Here are 5 different comments made by members of the Council.

“Calling Hamas a terrorist organization is ridiculous, racist and plays into genocidal propaganda that is flooding our media and that we should be doing everything possible to combat.”

“I support the right of Palestinians to resist occupation, including through Hamas, the armed wing of the unified Palestinian resistance.”

“Hamas is not a terrorist organization just because the U.S. and Israel deems it so. Hamas is a resistance organization that is fighting for the liberation of Palestinian people in their land.”

“The notion that this was a massacre of Jews is a fabricated narrative. Many of those killed on October 7, including children, were killed by the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).”

“There have not been beheadings of babies and rapings. Israel murdered their own people on October 7.”

These cynical statements, not one of which can be substantiated, reflect a mindset at the session that is as evil as the criminals they are supporting, and subsequently do not merit the benefit of a response from an average citizen. However, you are the Governor of California, and you once said that we can “rely on California”. As one of your responsibilities is to see to it that the citizens of your state are safe, seeing as your state has a population of 1,234,500 Jews, your failure to confront hateful anti-Semitic rhetoric, should make anyone question whether or not we truly can rely on California. As the Jewish vote is important, not handling this properly certainly does nothing in your efforts to “NOT run for president”.

Regardless of your future political aspirations, it is clear to anyone paying attention that you wish to stand apart from the rest of the pack. With so much of the rest of the back being self-serving and weak, this is an opportunity for you to actually stand out. Should you squander this opportunity you will be showing a weakness that will likely set you back in whatever additional political ambitions you may have moving forward as it will show a weakness in character many people will not want from a leader.


David Groen

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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How Israel and the Jewish world can avoid disaster in the future

There is no question that the release of hostages has brought joy to many people. The mere fact that all of the innocent men, women and children kidnapped on October 7th are not already dead, is in itself something for which we should be grateful. The moral and political quagmire this puts Israeli officials in is one no legitimate government should ever have to go through, but it exists nonetheless. How do they determine when to continue the operation against Hamas and not put Israelis still held in captivity at more risk of being harmed, or worse, killed? Maybe even more complex, is how to keep the resolve of the military and the civilian population of Israel on a high enough level to see this through to the end.

The answer lies very simply in maintaining and understanding who we are fighting. Hamas have not all of a sudden become good people because they released people they had no right holding in the first place. Maybe even more significantly, every single person they release they have already declared as being someone they ultimately wish to kill. Let us not forget that their charter very clearly states that they want the destruction of Israel and death to all Jews around the world. If we remember that, we realize the most important point in moving forward. They released the hostages because it benefitted them. Full stop. They were not doing it out of mercy or kindness or out of a desire to make peace with us. They did it for any number of reasons, the most likely being that they were being so crushed by the Israeli military that this was their only way of catching their breath and living to fight another day. But there are other possible reasons as well. Public opinion being one of them. To the ignorant and the weak, sadly 2 groups solidly represented, Hamas is looked at through a more favorable light today, rather than seeing them as the barbarians that they are, the evil terrorists that slaughtered over 1200 Israelis on October 7th in unimaginable ways. They are now seen as having enough of a heart to release elderly women and children. A ruse too many people will fall for. The third possibility, and the one that opens up the door to issues far more treacherous, is that the command came from Qatar, and that there are deals being made behind the scenes, deals that likely do not benefit Israel in the long run, that require what can be presented to the world as a show of good faith.

Ultimately, none of this matters if we remember that Hamas can not be trusted to do anything for any other reason than their own benefit, and that what benefits them most is Israel’s destruction. It is critical that those in power in Israel make it clear that the illusion of control over the situation by Hamas over these past few days remains just that, an illusion. Israel made this deal for one reason and one reason only. It values human life. A concept foreign to Hamas.

It is critical that the work being done off the battlefield continues as well. Our cry for Never Again does not diminish because the criminals released some of the hostages. Our cry for Never Again must continue until those wishing to annihilate us are wiped off the face of the earth. We have every right to be happy and thankful to God and those who made it possible for the return of some of the hostages, but we must not let that fool us into thinking everything will be alright, because it won’t as long as this evil exists.

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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Dangerous Perspectives

Today, Sunday November 26 on CNN, I watched a segment of Fareed Zakaria’s GPS (Global Public Square). While I have been both impressed and grateful for Zakaria’s moral clarity since October 7th, I found myself with concerns regarding 2 of his guests. In this segment he was discussing the situation in Israel with Richard Haas, who among other things was the Director of Policy Planning for the State Department during the George W. Bush administration. His other guest in the same segment was Robin Wright, a foreign affairs analyst and writer for the New Yorker. While they both displayed an expertise that comes with their experience, and based on much of what they said I am willing to give them some benefit of the doubt regarding their overall intentions, they also both verbalized very dangerous and flawed perspectives.

Starting with Richard Haas, his point about Israel taking a different approach towards the military operation, one that is less on display and less focused on larger targets has some merit from the perspective of how it impacts public opinion. However, when public opinion turned on Israel almost immediately when it justifiably retaliated for one of the most barbaric attacks in modern history, it understandably becomes less likely that Israel will focus too much on what other people think. Haas then went on to discuss the need for a political solution and how discussions should already be starting on how to move forward. Again, assuming his intentions are honorable, the mistake Haas is making is applying rational thinking to irrational people. If the leaders in Israel were to make that same mistake, they would be signing off on Israel’s destruction.

Regarding the comments from Robin Wright, she actually completely lost my faith in her judgment in one sentence. When she discussed the difficulty of the 2 sides having talks, she spoke of the problem in starting any discussion when saying, “Israel wants to destroy Hamas, while Hamas wants to destroy Israel”. The problem with these words may be subtle, but they are also significant. They imply that the mission to destroy Hamas is somehow equivalent to the the goal Hamas has of destroying Israel. It is a mindset that comes across as ignoring the fact that Israel is a sovereign nation where Jews, Christians and Muslims are free to live in peace, while Hamas is a terrorist organization subjugating its population to their laws and methods. There is no equivalency between the two, and Wright is either revealing a poor moral position, or has not thought out her words and the message that they send.

A war against evil is not the same as a dispute between two parties, regardless of how violent that dispute may be. To approach the war in Gaza as anything but a mission to destroy that evil is a an approach that does not work for Israel and ultimately will not work for the rest of the western world. I believe if Robin Wright would be looking at this with more clarity she might have said that their actually is a possibility that Palestinians and Israelis share a common goal, a goal for peace. That statement alone would be questionable, but comparing 2 sets of people is a more credible premise than comparing a democratic country to a terrorist organization.

People such as Haas and Wright are not the problem per se, but words they say can easily be manipulated in favor those who are the problem. If they are being put on display as experts, paying attention and sometimes challenging their words becomes an obligation we must adhere to, or suffer the consequences.

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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Mixed Emotions: Courtesy of Hamas

For those of us who feel deeply connected to the events that have taken place in Israel since October 7th, the return of 13 hostages should be reason to celebrate. Intellectually we feel tremendous joy as we see children coming home and families at least partially reunited. I want to feel like celebrating, for it is on some levels a joyous day, but the psychological warfare being perpetrated by Hamas, leaves us collectively as a people with a small degree of happiness created by the events of the day, and simultaneously saddened by the pain and suffering of those still held captive and the families desperate for their safe return.

The emotional roller coaster this is putting Israel and the Jewish people on is undoubtably part of Hamas’s strategy. It is of course to be expected, as the release of hostages is not being done out of kindness or mercy, it is being done out of necessity for Hamas. It is no secret to anyone that they needed a cessation in fighting to regroup. It is also no secret that they want to kill every Jew on the planet. So their willingness to make a deal indicates that they feel they can gain significantly from the time it is giving them. So while we are thrilled to see these people freed, it just magnifies a harsh reality. This is far from over.

The other part of it that is tough on our collective psyche is that while we are happy there are 37 more hostages to be released in the coming days, each day this takes place there is an emotional drain felt by so many. What compounds it more than anything is the fact that in a few days when they are freed, there will still be close to 200 additional hostages held by Hamas. Everywhere we turn, the joy we want to feel today is tarnished by the reality created by Hamas.

What we must do is continue to stay strong in our support for the Israeli government and our heroes in the IDF. The only way we can once again feel complete joy is to see this evil wiped out, allow all our people to have time to mourn in peace and security, and rebuild our morale, and if at all possible, not allow the mind games of Hamas to bring us down. That is just one more victory they have no right to achieve. So for now, look at the picture above, and get joy from the knowledge that this is one family that will be complete once again, and for that we thank God.

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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Is it important to watch the footage of the October 7 torture and brutality?

The simple answer is that there is no simple answer. Visuals are important. They provide confirmation and proof. Maybe most importantly, they alter perspective. What it comes down to is that watching the footage makes a difference for some, but not for others.

When the war broke out, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken very professionally and very clearly expressed America’s support for Israel. But later, after he watched a screening of the torture and murder committed by Hamas he looked like a different person. His words of support did not diminish, if anything they got stronger, but the look on his face and in his eyes was that of a man who saw something that would haunt him for the rest of their life. Martha Maccallum of Fox News, someone who always comes across as a sympathetic figure, was so emotional after a viewing of the events that she appeared to have to control herself from breaking down, and has seemed somewhat on an emotional edge ever since. This tells you that whether you support the administration or not, and whether you like Fox News or not, these 2 people, representatives of both, are both human beings with a heart. As one is a journalist and the other America’s Secretary of State, it is probably helpful that they watched the film, but when push comes to shove, these are not the people who need to see it the most.

The people who need to see it the most are the protestors, many who think they know the facts but in reality have no clue. People who scream genocide when it does not apply and regurgitate the crap that Hamas are resistance fighter. Youth who think they are protesting for a good cause when they shout “Free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea” should see the worst of the worst. If it makes them sick, all the better. Then there are the Susan Sarandons and Angelina Jolies of the world who cry foul because Israel has the gall to defend itself, and speak as though they are diplomats working for the Palestinians against the Jews. I want them to watch every minute of footage of the barbaric torture and murder committed by the animals of Hamas that they hold so dear. Then there is Bernie Sanders, the Jewish traitor, who not only needs to watch it, he needs to watch it on a loop, over and over again. If he has any heart at all, he should watch it till he gets so ill he needs to be hospitalized, and while in the hospital he should stop and think about his responsibility to not betray his people and turn a blind eye to their suffering over decades, even centuries.

Those who do not need to watch it are those of us who feel the devastation whether we watch it or not. I still consider watching every minute of footage so that I can speak from complete knowledge about what took place, but then I ask myself this question. Why is it not bad enough for people to know that Jews were tortured, and that over 1200 were murdered in the year 2023? Why will it only be bad if they can see the gruesome details? As my friend Rabbi Amiel Novoseller said regarding this subject, “I don’t need to watch it. All I need to do zecher Amalek”. “Zecher Amalek, Hebrew for “remember Amalek” references the Amalekites, descendants of Isaac’s son Esau in the bible, who were the original haters of the Israelites and were known for brutalizing and murdering Jewish men, women and children indiscriminately and mercilessly. Rabbi Novoseller goes on to explain that in remembering Amalek, he knows all he needs to know about those looking to destroy the Jewish people today and what they are capable of doing in pursuit of that goal.

It’s a sad state of affairs when you need to make a case why murdering over 1200 Jews was a heinous criminal activity, but in this world lacking in moral clarity and empowered by misery, it is indeed the case. The fight is one that needs to be fought, and whether we make sense of it or not, we need to confront it head on, or the cancer causing it will grow out of control, and that is something we can not allow to happen.

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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As a Jew, I am sorry

As someone who is contact with many of my fellow Jews, I believe that many share the following overall sentiment when I say, I am sorry, but….

As a Jew, I am sorry you do not realize that their is no moral equivalency between a terrorist organization and a sovereign, democratic country.

I am sorry that you can not distinguish between an organization calling for the extermination of 16 million people and a country wiping out that organization for the sake of their very existence.

I am sorry you are so ignorant that you protest without knowing any facts, or that you are so stupid that when you read them you are so clueless that all remains is your ability to follow a mob.

I am sorry that you feel that just because you got into a school with a reputation for having a high intellectual standard, that somehow makes you smarter than everyone else, and that instead all your actions do is highlight your lack of understanding of history and morality and lower the overall standard of your institution.

I am sorry that you do not know the true history of what has taken place in the Middle East in any version of recorded history. You clearly are ignorant to the fact that the Jewish people are the true indigenous people of the region and that what we call Palestinians today is phony construct, a people made up of displaced Jordanians and the closest thing to Arab gypsies.

I am sorry that you do not know that the plight of those people you refer to as Palestinians is a plight caused by decades of corruption, abuse, manipulation, oppression, and exploitation of their leadership. A leadership that has used them as tool in the advancement of their business plan, a plan that provided Yasser Arafat the means to own hotels in the Swiss Alps and Hamas leadership to lead lavish lifestyles in Qatar. A leadership in Gaza that has one use for its people, and that is as soldiers or pawns.

I am sorry that you are too biased or too stupid to realize that the only way Palestinians are ever free is for Israel to be victorious, even though I am fairly certain that a large number of you protesting and shouting Free Palestine are doing so more out of a deficiency in your own lives than out of a real concern for the well-being of anyone else.

I am sorry you do not know what genocide means. If Israel truly wanted to commit genocide, Gaza would be leveled by now, and rather than 10,000 deaths, a number that reflects Israel’s restraint as opposed to debunking it, their would be at least hundreds of thousands of deaths and this war would be over.

I am sorry that you do not have the intellectual or moral wherewithal to look at the events of October 7th till today and see the difference between the depraved barbarity of Hamas and the calculated and careful self-defense tactics of the State of Israel.

I am sorry that you have no clue that there are 16 million Jews and 1.9 billion Muslims in the world, and that Arabs live and work in Israel, are members of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, and are even members of the military, while in the majority of Arab countries Jews have virtually no rights, and yet you call Israel an Apartheid state.

I am sorry you do not realize that those people you are supporting, will come for you when they are done with us.

I am sorry you hate Jews and do not think we have the right to survive.

I am sorry you do not realize that when we say Never Again, we mean it.

I am sorry if you thought this was an apology, but in case you did, let me be crystal clear. As a Jew, I am sorry you feel the way that you do, but frankly, I don’t give a damn.

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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Free Palestine you say?

So you say you want Palestine to be free, do you? Ask yourself what that means. See if you can come up with an answer other than the packaged lines being fed to you. Let me guess. “Israel’s committing genocide”. “The Israelis are occupiers and colonizers”. “Israel targets babies”. “Israel is an Apartheid State”. And of course this week number 1 hit on the charts, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Having fun marching in the streets? Found something to be part of have you? You might be in for a surprise. That’s if you even have the intellectual capacity to realize it when it happens. That’s if you are even smart enough to know what the term intellectual capacity means.

If this sounds like you are being ridiculed, that’s English for being made fun of, maybe you are not completely mindless. But if you are part of the group of people doing this in a Harvard or Penn, you certainly are nowhere close to as smart as you think you are. Your “cause” is actually calling for a true genocide. You are marching in support of a group that is calling for the death of 16 million Jews. For those who march but know nothing, which I suppose is most of you, 16 million Jews is not the number of Jews in Gaza, there are actually none(unless you count the Israeli military taking out the trash). It’s not even the amount of Jews in Israel. There are a little over 7 million Jews in what your puppet masters refer to as occupied land. 16 million Jews is actually the number of Jews on the planet. That is the number of people the group you are supporting wants to see killed.

Trying to debunk your logic, that is English for showing you why you are full of crap, would be a waste of time. You hear a lie once or twice, maybe it takes three times, and you decide it to be true. You make no effort to verify it-doubt you’ll even find the word verify on Tiktok-make no effort to determine if what you are marching for is harmful, and you have no concern for the consequences for yourself, let alone others. To say you are stupid is insulting to stupid.

So let me help you make some sense of it all.

“Israel’s committing genocide”. In a genocide the population becomes less. The population of Gaza has consistently increased (that means gotten bigger).

“The Israelis are occupiers and colonizers”. There were no Israelis in Gaza till Hamas invited us in to wipe them off the face of the earth.

“Israel targets babies”. Israel warns families with babies to get out of the way but Hamas doesn’t let them.

“Israel is an Apartheid State” You have no clue what Apartheid is anyway so why bother.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. As far as this one is concerned, if you can name the river or the sea, we’ll talk then. But I’m not worried.

While your behavior deserves this mockery, it is also pitiful and scary. In gravitating to an evil, cause just because that cause sees you as fresh meat and sucks you in, is all it takes to make you part of something, you either have a life of misery or come from a sad and pathetic past, and for this I pity you. But looking at your numbers is the scary part, not just because you are attacking me as a Jew, but because of what it bodes for the history of the planet. And as far as the consequences are concerned, if what the people you are marching for and for whom you are tearing down the pictures of babies being held hostage for, ultimately get what they want, I suspect they will give you 2 choices. Become one of them or die. But hey, your friends are doing it, so why not?

Am Yisrael Chai

Never Again is Now!

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